At L3T, I worked on both the InControl team and the OnTime scheduling team as a Software Engineer Intern during summer of 2018. I was able to work with two other interns and leverage both my mathematics and computer science backgrounds.
The InControl Team at L3T generally is in charge of Satellite Command and Control Software for On-Orbit, Factory Test and Ground System Monitor and Control. The software designed from the ground up to manage satellite constellations with one control center. Companys like Iridium use our software to manage their constellation of satellites. While working with the team, I was also exposed to their OnTime scheduling app.
I was able to work in a Agile software development process and implemented requests for the RESTful API and allowed it to send data to the web app and created tests for the GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE Requests. I also worked on creating and debugging parts of their ReactJS web application. Due to my skill in ReactJs my boss introduced me into the OnTime Project, a scheduling application, where I had to learn more advanced JavaScript and CSS. My main skills used where Java, JavaScript, ReactJS, and CSS.
I was able to explore a completely new thing that isn't taught at school and due to my ability to learn quickly, I was able to actually implement and simply call a url to get a json formated data.
In this experience, I worked in an agile software development process with Kanban due to the constant customer feedback. I would participate in our daily standup meetings and give a short description of what I was able to do and what I plan to work on that day. We focused on the customer and their experience with the application. We did this by using tools such as Jira and Confluence to help our development process.
My experience with ReactJs was limited to the web applications at the Chen Lab. But at L3T, I was able to develop more skills while developing ReactJS Web applications. I was able to learn debugging tools as well as debugging procedures when I was given ReactJS tasks and bugs. Such as being able to help a PM quickly find the cause of a bug and fix it. Due to implementing the RESTful API, I also worked with linking the frontend to the RESTful API I just recently implemented. ReactJs is not taught extensively at my school so this was great experience to grow my ReactJs skills.
Unlike my ReactJs experience, I only barely knew JavaScript and had no prior experience with it. But due to my PM needing help on the OnTime Project and me sensing the chance to learn something new, I jumped at the opportunity to gain valuable experience in JavaScript. I was able to take a JavaScript component and modify it to implement new features. Note: I cannot get into details much more about this but feel free to contact me if you'd like more info.